Posts Tagged ‘Safety precaution’
Safety precautions for baby sitting at home
Posted on August 25th, 2009 by
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The time when the baby starts to walk and do things alone is a very crucial period during parenting. You need to watch what they do every minute and require your full time dedicated attention. With the advent of nuclear families, the situation is even more alarming. It is better to take the services of a full time baby sitter if you are not in a position to take care of your child and watch their every step.
Precautions to avoid fatal accidents at home
Never fill buckets and utensils in the bathrooms. Use only when needed and remember to latch the door.
Kitchen knives, blade, scissors should not be kept in places where the child can reach easily.
If the accident is due to the kid swallowing some object, don’t try to use your hand and remove the same. Hold the child with head down position and gently tap on the back.
Medicines, tablets, buttons, safety pins and similar small objects should not be kept where the child can reach.
Don’t let the kid play alone and watch TV. If you are in the kitchen, speak to the child continuously while working if the kid can reciprocate.
If you have to travel with the child in a two wheeler, take extra precaution while riding. Do not wear slippery clothes like silk or nylon.