Posts Tagged ‘good parenting’
Cost cutting tips for parents
Posted on February 11th, 2009 by
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Cost cutting tips for parents – How you can save on parenting expenses
Parenting is surely an expensive affair and you will realise that your monthly budget is not the same anymore. You now have the additional expense of a new member in the family and the whole affair is cutting into your wallet. To add on to the situation, the current recession makes it even worse, job losses and pay cuts are the order of the day. It is time to stretch your money to the last bit. That makes this article, a must read for every young parent as we are listing some useful cost cutting measures.
Parenting Tip 1: Avoid illness
Doctor bills and medicines are the most expensive items when it comes to parenting. Toddlers and children are prone to illness and infections and it is best if you can avoid situations and places which may invite diseases. Use only boiled water, avoid visiting patients/ hospitals with your kid, maintain cleanliness etc. goes a long way. Prevention is better than cure makes perfect sense now.
Parenting Tip 2: Buy stuff in bulk
Diapers, baby wipes, nappies, wet tissues, these are the items that disappear fast because of consumption and there is no way you can control it. It makes sense to buy these in bulk. Apart from the price advantage, we have seen that when you buy the same in bulk, they usually add some 10/ 20 pieces extra as free.
Parenting Tip 3: Home made baby foods
Packaged baby food and cereals are expensive but very vital for the overall nutrition of your baby. But instead of feeding your baby 4-5 times a day with the same, you can alternate it by using home made baby foods. You just need to get the right cereals and grind the same in proportion to make excellent home made baby food. Consult some elders and they will tell you the secret to make this. Remember packaged baby food is a recent invention.
Parenting Tip 4: Use the Internet
You are already paying your Internet bill, use it to the maximum. Instead of hunting the neighborhood music shop for CDs of rhymes, cartoons etc. use Video sharing sites like YouTube to play the same. Instead of buying story books, use websites that list the same. We ourselves have a good collection of moral/ bed time stories.