Festivals and kids
Posted on October 8th, 2008 by
Prem in
(2) Comments
Let us start our first parenting blog entry on an auspicious note as we celebrate Durga Pooja, Dussehra, Vidyrarambham, Vijaya dashami etc. Festivals do bring back those memories when we were kids ourselves. I can remember my childhood days like it was yesterday and all the festival fun we had then.
The pooja holidays where special, we had a custom where we need to keep our books for Pooja and those three days where the most happy holidays. You are not supposed to read anything, not even news paper and on the third day, you finish this by reading Ramayan and then your text books.
I really don’t know if kids these days have all the fun we had, Diwali used to start a month in advance and nowadays, it is just one evening affair. But as parents, let us try to give the best to our kids, let us teach them the importance of these festivals, let us celebrate the festivals together, teach them the underlying message of victory over evil. Who knows, one day your kid might blog about the fun time he had as a child during festivals.
Happy holidays and do post in comments how it went this year.
kiddo haircut
Posted on October 8th, 2008 by
Prem in
Fun Stuff
(1) Comment
Got this in a forward, priceless picture right? remember when the razor goes crrrrr on your neck after the hair cut?
Welcome to Indian hindu names blog
Posted on October 8th, 2008 by
Prem in
(9) Comments
Welcome to Indianhindunames.com blog on Parenting info. Here you will find articles and posts on the challenges/ solutions we as parents face to bring up our little ones.
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