Indian independence freedom fighters
Posted on August 10th, 2009 by
Prem in
General Information, Parenting
(49) Comments
As India celebrates her independence on August 15th, we thought it is a fitting tribute to list the names of all the prominent leaders who fought for us and gave us our independence. Let us remember and pay our tribute to these great names without whom, we would not have been what we are today. Jai Hind!
Chinese toys in Indian market
Posted on August 6th, 2009 by
Prem in
General Information, Parenting
(22) Comments
Chinese toys are flooded in Indian market, How safe are they?
Looks like the marketers or manufactures in India have got it wrong again. You go to any toy shop today, you will find that the shelves are filled with Made in China toys of various kind.
Even our indigenous automobiles like the Maruti 800, Ambassador, Auto rickshaw, Maruti Omni are made my Chinese toy makers and you got to admit it, they are made to perfection. You can also get Indian versions of the same, but they are poorly made, edges may be sharp and plastic will be of very inferior quality.
How safe are these toys when developed nations like America reject them due to their poisonous lead content. Our advice is do not buy what you get with roadside hawkers. The big shops do have some quality control mechanism and all the Chinese toy makers are not bad. Even they have their regulatory mechanism in place. If you really probe, you may even find that the big toy brands have outsourced their manufacturing to China.
So for now, it is alright to buy those Chinese toys. Stay away if you find them at dead cheap prices. We also hope the Indian toy makers follow the Chinese way and fill the much needed gap for Made in India toys.
Ten tips for a happy Family
Posted on July 27th, 2009 by
Prem in
(3) Comments
Today, we present you 10 tips for a happy Family life. Follow these simple 10 tips in your everyday life and see the change for yourself.
Ten tips for a happy Family
- Avoid the next quarrel: Never lose temper at the same time. Don’t let the sun set on your quarrels (Never prolong fights if at all started). It is OK to say “I am sorry” to your spouse.
- Do not expect perfection from your spouse: Marriage is coming together of two imperfect beings. Don’t expect wife or husband to like this or that, accept them as they are.
- Be a Good Listener: Don’t interrupt your spouse when he/she is speaking. Think before speaking, it is a good idea to weigh before you speak. You are master of unspoken words but slave of spoken words. Better than listening from ear is listening through mind (with attention) and better than that is listening from heart.
- Be a good forgiver: Some people forgive but they keep the memory alive or they forgive conditionally. Forgiveness should be complete and unconditional.
- Grow in the spirit of humility: Be humble. Egos bring arrogance which divide and separate people.
- Learn the art of appreciation: We all like to be appreciated. Not being appreciated by the spouses is one of the biggest complaint. Always appreciate in front of others. Never criticize in the company of friends and relatives, you will get opportunities in privacy.
- Do not argue: Winning love and friendship is far greater than winning an argument. It is OK to discuss with an open mind. Learn to win love and affection rather than arguments.
- Develop healthy sense of humor: Learn to laugh and be cheerful. It is a great tonic for healthy living and being accepted by friends. It is important to laugh with others and NOT at others.
- Always lend a helpful hand: You will win over if you have this attitude of offering a helpful hand with or without asking.
- Bring GOD back into your home: This is one of the most important one. Have a common time for prayers. It brings families together. Visit temples and religious places with your family.