Raising Indian Kids in USA
Posted on September 20th, 2010 by
Prem in
(14) Comments
Culture Clash: Some Advice for Raising Indian Kids in the US
Whether you yourself were raised in India, or you are second generation immigrants, you
are probably fully aware of the difficulties inherent in raising your kids to remember their
roots. Culture is an important aspect of identity, and it’s what makes the United States such an
interesting place–everyone hails originally from somewhere else, and it’s a place where people
of all backgrounds can share what makes their own heritage unique.
Still, America has a culture of its own that’s increasingly infecting countries throughout the
world–and that’s the unfortunate juggernaut of pop culture. While not all of it is bad or harmful,
it often erases ethnic cultural identity such that everyone dresses, acts, and talks the same. Here
are a few tips for raising your kids in the U.S., so that they assimilate successfully without
forgetting their heritage.
1. Pass on the language, whether it’s Hindi or something else.
Language is one of the most powerful aspects of a close-knit culture. While my own
mother was from India, she never taught me Hindi, and both my mom and I deeply regret
this. Now, it’s much too late for me to learn fluently, whereas if I had learned when I was
younger, the language would have helped me have a more ingrained sense of my own culture.
2. Develop a network of friends who are serious about preserving traditions.
The beauty of America is that wherever you go, you can find others like you who share the
same culture. While practicing cultural traditions within your family is great, it helps to have a
community with which to share. If you don’t have this kind of network, check out local cultural
centers or events where you can find like-minded people who celebrate our traditions.
3. Understand that your child will inevitably pick up some American cultural traits.
Even if your own family was very traditional, and you’re used to this way of living, your
kids now live in a different world in which there is no escaping American fads, fashions, and
mentalities. Whatever you do, don’t panic. As long as you encourage your own culture and
practice your traditions with your children, these “Americanisms” won’t have too much of an
4. Try to visit India as often as you can.
While it may not always be feasible to go back to India, and you may not even have any family
members residing there anymore, make it a point to take your children with you as often as
you possibly can. Why? Simply because your kids may not understand the point of practicing
traditions in America, where they are immersed in a very different way of life. However, trips
to India will demonstrate to your children how traditions are practiced in context. From my own
experience, I know that after I came back from my first trip to India, I returned with a renewed
sense of pride in my heritage.
These are just a few ways in which you can help to raise your family in a way that honors its
heritage. Since so many in America have been living here for generations upon generations, if your
family is relatively new to the American way, it can be difficult transition for everyone.
Still, it pays to remind your children where they come from. They will thank you for it later,
when they have children of their own.
This guest post is contributed by Alisa Gilbert, who writes on the topics of bachelors
degree. She welcomes your comments at her email Id: [email protected].
Papaya leaf juice, Cure for Dengue
Posted on September 7th, 2010 by
Prem in
General Information
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You may have heard about this natural cure for dengue fever, if not I am glad to inform you that papaya leaf juice has been effective against dengue fever. As dengue fever is rampant now, I think it is good to share this info with all.
Here is how you do it, you need to get some fresh papaya leaves, pound or blend them and squeeze the juice out of the leaves and consume the same.
When a person has dengue fever, the platelet count drops. In severe cases you need to have blood transfusion and wait for her body’s immune system to build up resistance against dengue and fight its own battle. It is said that if you have papaya leaf juice, the platelet count will start increasing. May be because when you have fever, your body would be overheated and papaya juice has cooling effect. Thus, it helps to reduce the level of heat in one’s body, which helps fever to go away. It is said that papaya leaf juice is also good when one is having sore throat or suffering from heat.
Please spread the news about this as lately there are many dengue cases. It’s great if such natural cure could help to ease the sufferings of dengue patients. Furthermore it’s so easily available. Blend them and squeeze the juice! It’s simple and miraculously effective!!
As always, none of this can guarantee the care and attention you get in a hospital. Use them as supplementary than main medication if you suspect dengue fever.
Khatron Ke Khiladi contestants
Posted on August 9th, 2010 by
Prem in
Fun Stuff
(3) Comments
If you would like to name your kid after a celebrity, here is the show which has a lot of good celebrity names. This season of Khatron Ke Khiladi will be hosted by Priyanka Chopra and has a lot to offer. For those of you don’t know, Khatron Ke Khiladi is the Indian version of the famous English reality show Fear Factor.
Here is Khatron Ke Khiladi contestant names
Milind Soman
Dino Morea
Karan Singh Grover
Shabbir Ahluwalia
Rahul Dev
Rahul Bose
Terence Lewis
Cyrus Broacha
Ritwik Bhattacharya
Armaan Ebrahim
Abhishek Kapoor
Manjot Singh